This is a 10 minute walk from our hotel. It is the southernmost point in the CONTINENTAL United States. We have visited "South Point" on the Big Island of Hawaii. That is the southernmost point in all of the United States.
Ernest Hemmingway's home, descendents of his six-toed cats and their "cat" houses. The lighthouse (across the street) guided him home at night after latenight drinking at Sloppy Joes, Captain Tony's, or, or, or...
There are 42 bridges in the Florida Keys linking the islets together. Some of the old bridge is still standing and available to "foot" traffic in some places. It is obvious why you cannotwalk the entire old bridge! Many people walk or jog on it or just sightsee like us. Jerry and I walked on a section near Marathon, Florida. The old and new bridges are right beside each other in this area. I really liked photographing both of them together, and also the boats going from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean (or vice versa) as they passed beneath the bridges. The Gulf of Mexico is on the north side (right) and the Atlantic Ocean is on the south side (left). The long distance view is awesome!
What a beautiful place! Bahia Honda State Park sits between the old and new bridges very close to Marathon, Florida. It is a part of Bahia Honda Key. The water is exquisite!