Sunday, June 20, 2010

Face of the Week, Mellow Yellow, Ruby Tuesday, Blue Monday / Work in Progress

Click on photos to enlarge!
I spent a few hours, yesterday, at the Chalk Art Festival at El Paseo de Colorado in Pasadena, California USA.
I wish I could say I created these faces instead of just taking photos of  work in progress.
The artist seemed to be in her very early 20's.

This is just one of the many artists participating in this event.
I can't wait to post more throughout this week!

  Face of the Week


Ma.links said...

Beautiful art!

Regina said...

Lovely work of art.
Great shots Carolyn.
Happy Monday.
" R e g i na "

Rajesh said...

Very beautifully done.

B i r g i t t a said...

A skilled young artist :)

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful artwork! Happy MYM!

SmilingSally said...

What an artist you found! I love these chalk drawings. It's such a shame that they won't last.

Happy Blue Monday, Carolyn.

Jingle said...

quality art on faces...

Ebie said...

You have been out of circulation for a while, hope all is well and welcome back to the blogging world.

Because of its close proximity, we were there at the Chalk Art both Saturday and Sunday. We could have bumped into each other.

I wish I had that talent too!

fredamans said...

What an interesting find!!

Ingrid said...

It's amazing what some artists can do on the street !

Joanne Olivieri said...

I love chalk art and we have festivals here in SF as well. It's so fascinating watching these artists at work using concrete as their canvas. These are especially beautiful. A very talented artist.

LV said...

She has a different style of art, but it is very nice. I enjoy seeing what any artist creates.

Linnea said...

Such talented artists. The faces look so sweet. I love your shots, especially the last one with the colorful chalk resting on the sidewalk. Thanks for stopping by!

Sistertex said...

This is wonderful, I love going to see chalk art, as we have festivals here that feature that as well. I love the way they can draw it so it looks good from the side and it is all different when you are standing right over it. I think it takes a lot of talent and practice. These are beautiful examples. I will have to come back to see the rest of the ones you post. Really like them!

Thanks so much for participating in 'Face of the Week' this week! Hope you have a wonderful week!

Kim, USA said...

These is just awesome. I like to watch artist do art on walls or floors and admire their work after. Happy Summer!

Anything Blue

Yellow Hollyhock

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Those are truly amazing! I am always pleased to see something this lovely that is a "gift" from an artist. I like sand sculptures, too.

Happy Blue Monday!


Sheila :-)

Tina said...

Nice art... and you captured them nicely..

Anonymous said...

Beautiful artwork! She's good. Happy Blues~

Pie said...

Awesome artwork!

Happy Blue Monday.

I played too. Mine is here.

Dani said...

fascinating artwork. love them!

Happy Tuesday!

reg said...

The art work is just amazing here. Looking forward to seeing more

Unknown said...

wow!!!that is done in chalk? such lovely expressions... haunting eyes...
please do keep posting more.

EG CameraGirl said...

I would love to have just a tenth of the artist's talent! What a gift!

Anonymous said...

These are really pretty. I enjoy chalk drawings, especially the ones with 3d illusions!

Happy Mellow Yellow Monday!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Such beautiful art. I sometimes wish they had drawn on wood and kept them. My students sometimes draw on the open space with chalk.

Dimple said...

It is beautiful art. There is something in me which rebels at doing beautiful things that will only last a short while. This artist must have other values! Thanks for capturing the beauty in a form which will last a little longer!

annies home said...

great pictures very beatiful pictures created by some talented artist

Margaret Gosden said...

Chalk artists are amazing. They don't seem to mind what happens to what they do so well once it is done and admired. That they know that they can always do it again is surely a wonderful gift to own!

Michael said...

Nice technique the artist has there. Love those rosy cheek faces.

Carol said...

Such talent! Lovely photos and post.

Dianne said...

I love chalk art
beautiful faces

Cai - said...

Great photo!
If your interested check out my unique photo challenge website, every weekday has its own theme and a different photo challenge every week.
The themes are:

Monday - Creative Colors
Tuesday - Macro
Wednesday - 2 of a kind
Thursday - Urban
Friday - Sunset

The winning photo for every theme/week gets their photo published on the website, check it out and ill be glad if you would join :)

Have a good one!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Very talented.

?Ruby Thursday

Rick said...

More great shots of great art!

Marice said...

wow those are beautiful! nice!

Hootin Anni said...

That's amazing. I love going to street fairs and watching the sidewalk artists.

Happy Tuesday!!

My ruby entry is "Skipping Rocks" - a sculpture. Hope you can find time to visit with me today!

Anni's Entry

936000 said...

Great "face of the week" photos!

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful... thanks for sharing them with us on Blue Monday! ... Karen