Friday, March 18, 2011

Today's Flowers, Mellow Yellow / A Vine

Click on photo to enlarge!
A vine growing in my backyard that shall remain "nameless," since I haven't a clue.


Rune Eide said...

I must admit that your spring beats mine! :-)
My next hope is to find a crocus ...

Hilda R.B said...

Wonderful. You got spring!!! We got snow. Have a nice weekend.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It's lovely. I'm perversely pleased when somebody who actually gardens has no idea of the name of flowers. I almost never do anymore. (Different climate from when we did garden and without the need to plant anything, I don't have the incentive to learn.) But I am a huge admirer of other people's beautiful flowers (and other people's hard work). Thanks for sharing yours.

Leovi said...

Beautiful tones with a very poetic and evocative approach. Have a great weekend!

Rick said...

A great shot, Carolyn - I love the dof - very striking, as is the colour ! (and I don't have a clue what it is either).

Zyzzyz said...

yellow is a sin of spring

Mike Simmons said...

Very nice, Carolyn - beautiful!

Modern Mom said...

Beautiful capture of the yellow blooms!

My entry.

Rosie Gan said...

There are lots of plants and flowers in my garden that I don't know by name either.
I just address them as 'Hey you!'

Unknown said...

this looks similar to our yellow bells. love your shot.

Today's Flowers @ Live in the Moment

SandyCarlson said...

I feel it is growing in my direction. This is a super photo.

January Zelene said...

very bright and beautiful..

Today’s Flower - Roses

Nance said...

What a beautiful shade of yellow!

kmoyama said...

What a surprise! Another similarity! On one of our fences, the same vine is growing though ours are not in bloom. The bokeh in this photo is beautiful.

Pat'sAdditon said...

My yellow daffs are out, love the spring colors.

JunieRose2005 said...

I love it- even if we don't know it's name!! :)

I have a post this time, too!


Mona said...

is that a yellow flower or yellow bell? anyway its pretty. Visit my entry too thanks

Liz said...

Beautiful capture.

Have a fabulous week!

My Mellow Yellow.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I scrolled through the comments, hoping that someone would know the name of your nameless flower. Alas, not yet!


They say just a touch of the gold
Will make even timid ones bold;
Try yellow, not blue,
And bright amber too—
Do not be left out in the cold!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Golden Ripe Mangos

Chie Wilks said...

we call this Yellow Bell..

please visit my flower

lina@home sweet home said...

I've ever seen these flowers here; but I don't know the name either. Lovely yellow :)

Stef said...

Great shot! The flowers are just lovely!
Mine is HERE. Happy Monday!

clavs said...

what is the name of that flower...

lina@women's perspectives said...

Love the color :)

Stephanie V said...

I have no idea, either, but it's a very pretty flower to see in the spring.

Anne said...

The vine welcomes the spring!

Mellow Yellow Monday

Shobha said...
