Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mellow Yellow Monday / Fall Leaves and Rain Puddles

The fall colors of southern California are just now at their peak. We had some weekend rain which left great puddles around to catch falling yellow leaves. The first photo is my outdoor glass table top and the second is just a very wet spot on cement in my backyard. The rest are lovely neighborhood trees showing off their yellow hues!

Click on photos to enlarge!

Mellow Yellow Monday


Carletta said...

I'm so used to bare trees and seeing browns that I forget others still have color. :)
Lovely shots!
I really like the watery ones.
Have a Mellow Monday!

MaR said...

Love those yellow hues!!
Happy MYM

dancing feet

Ingrid said...

Lovely photos, although I don't like fall, :) !

Chubskulit Rose said...

simply beautiful!

Sweet Smile for Mellow Yellow Monday.

magiceye said...

gorgeous captures!

VioletSky said...

Lovely to see colours again!
I forgot where you were and was almost going to say what a nice shot of the leaves on the icy puddle!!

EJ said...

beautiful photos of yellow.

Baking Cookies is my mellow yellow entry.

Stephanie V said...

Beautiful yellow leaves in the puddle.

Tania said...

This is just wonderful photos!;-)
Have a nice monday!

storyteller said...

Wonderful wet views and beautiful yellow tree lined street ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
My Mellow Yellow

Kim, USA said...

At least with all our naked trees here in MI I could still see great colors at some other places. Thanks for sharing Carolyn..Happy Weekdays ahead!


Speedcat Hollydale said...

AWESOME!!! best MyM I have seen so far ((( a secret between me and you )))

Everyone else do not read my comment


Hello from Minnesota,
SpeedyCat :-)

Carol said...

Great photos, Carolyn...the first two are very creative, so simple but so pretty...and I love the fall colors in the last two shots. Autumn is my favorite time of year.

Marice said...

those are great captures! first and second photos are also perfect on blue monday :)

u may view mine here

Annie Jeffries said...

Gorgeous. Looks very much like where I work.

Ebie said...

This is a lovely yellow tree lined street! I love the colors of the puddles, looks like a mix of old oil turning technicolor!

The raindrops on the glass top is just gorgeous!