Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mosaic Monday, Mellow Yellow, Ruby Tuesday, Blue Monday and Scenic Sunday / Morongo Thunder and Lightning Powwow, Cabazon, California USA

Click on photos to enlarge!
We attended the 20th Annual Morongo Thunder and Lightning Powwow in Cabazon, California USA.
It was sponsored by the Morongo Band of Mission Indians.
There were 700+ dancers during the evening in every color combination there could be, with most of them on the floor at one time.
I watched this young lady preparing for the event with the help of her mother, and then she walked past us as she greeted friends and other family members.

These ladies were sharing some conversation as the men danced.
Tribes were represented from California to as far away as Oklahoma.

Click on this collage to enlarge!
It was very difficult for me to capture focused shots because of intense movement on the floor.
It was such a beautiful sight but so difficult to photograph!
These are the best I could produce.

 Oh, the dancing, the drums and the native songs...
It was quite a learning experience for my husband and me!

This will be my last post for about 10 or 11 days.  My husband and I are leaving for a road trip to New Mexico with stops in Arizona along the way.  We will be spending several days in Albuquerque, New Mexico for the Hot Air Balloon Fiesta...the "grand-pappy" of all balloon festivals!
Then we'll move up to Santa Fe for a few days.  I am looking forward to visiting the ruins of Aztec and Zuni pueblos around Gallup, New Mexico and in the north-western part of the state.
 We could never just pass by the Grand Canyon or Sedona, Arizona...we'll be spending some time there as well.
My camera will be VERY busy along the way!
I look forward to sharing our adventures when we return.

Mellow Yellow

Ruby Tuesday

Blue Monday

Scenic Sunday

Mosaic Monday


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I would love to be there. In 1976, my Singaporean and Malaysian friends and I rented a car, and by mistake, we drove to an Indian Reserve in Canada. They stopped us, and I wasn't sure if they were joking or not.

" If you were a white man, we would have shot you. but you are just Asian students, we let you in."

We didn't.

'Tsuki said...

Such a colourful day... Nice shots of this event !

eileeninmd said...

The Powwow sounds like fun and looks very colorful. Great shots. Have fun on your trip and I will look forward to seeing the hot air balloon shots.

Scott Law said...

That sure looks like a wonderful spectacle. You captured some of the beauty of the costumes. Hope you have a wonderful road trip and bring back lots of lovely photos to share. About the time you get back my friend chad and I are headed out to Moab, UT for the canyonlands etc. This is an awesome time of the year to visit places like that.

cat said...

Beautiful shots of beautiful people :)

James said...

Wonderful shots! I can't wait to see the next ones. :)

michael bird said...

Beautiful people with striking costumes. Have a great time on your motor trip, Carolyn.

Carol said...

Wonderful shots! The dress is fantastic, so colorful!

khaye said...

oh! their all nice and colorful dress.

Pie said...

She's beautiful. I love the colorful outfits.

My Blue Monday.

A Garden of Threads said...

What a lovely lady, beautiful colors and designs in the traditional dress. Have a wonderful time on the road trip and drive safe.

SmilingSally said...

Happy Blue Monday, Carolyn!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

have a fun blue monday!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Beautiful costumes! Have a good trip and take more pictures along the way.

EG CameraGirl said...

Wish I had been there!

Donnie said...

Your trip sounds wonderful. keep safe. Happy Blue Monday.

Liza said...

Sounds like a fun event. Love the costumes.

anemonen said...

Wow what powerful colours and wonderful photos.

Ingrid said...

I would have loved to see that ! Last time I saw a real big Indian show was in Wisconsin Dells when I was visiting my aunt who lived in Madison. It was absolutely great ! The costumes are so color and beautiful !

Enjoy your holidays !

Tammie Lee said...

the colors, the details, the family and ancient spirit, everything is so festive and meaningful. You captured beauty.

Wishing you a wonderful trip, it does sound as though you will be experiencing wonder.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

wow! what a very colorful event! I would love to be a part of it.
Thanks for visiting my Ruby Tuesday

Rick said...

Very interesting photos Carolyn - intricate and colourful dress !

Enjoy your road trip - will look forward to seeing some of what you see on your trip. Have a safe one.

Junneth said...

Great pictures! Enjoy your road trip!

Auntie E said...

Looks like a fun time.
Garden Secrets

Jan n Jer said...

Looks like a fun event. Have a great road trip.

Raven said...

Nice shots. Must be wonderful to attend one of those events. Have a great trip.

Dianne said...

incredible detail and color :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a wonderful thing to get to attend! I can almost hear the drums. Your pictures are terrific.

Happy and Safe travels and I can't wait to see your pictures when you get back from your roadtrip which sounds amazing.

Natasha in Oz said...

What an amazing thing to see and experience. Glad you had a great time.

Best wishes,

Tania said...

Wonderful pictures and colors! Would love to take that trip. Wish you a blessed and nice time there:-)

Carletta said...

These are wonderful Carolyn! I haven't been to a Pow Wow since my kids were in elementary school.
I hope you have a safe trip. You are going to a beautiful part of our country. Looking forward to 'seeing' it when you return.

Janie said...

We've attended the annual Ute Pow-wow many times. It's a fascinating experience.
Hope you have fun on your trip.

Anonymous said...

She's so pretty! I love her black hair!

If you like photographing old barns, come join my new Tuesday meme opening Monday evenings called 'Old Barns'. I'd love for you to join!