We visited the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Memorial on Wednesday of this past week. Our little grandson is fascinated with the colorful and shiny floor as we were ending our time there. This is a replica of the Presidential Seal of the United States.
Blue Monday
He is adorable and the replica is fantastic!!
Happy Blue Monday :)
dancing feet
The next president himself!
I know would be too if I were your grandson hehe :).
Lovel shot, Carolyn. I love the first picture so much!
You've got a very pretty grandson!
Top pics!
Hugs Luna
He is so cute!
My blue Monday
Your little man is having a blast. I just become your blog's follower.
How is Baking Cookies for blue Monday?
what a great trip and learning experience for your grandson -- I've not been to that Pres library -- but would like to go someday.
The seal is very interesting but that is one adorable little boy!! He is so cute and I love his sock monkey shirt!
I enjoyed seeing the presidential seals, but most of all like the way you featured your grandson.
That is a great trip...happy blue Monday.
that little guy is sooo cute! great photos!
u may view mine here
He is too cute! :D
Very adorable Blue Monday Pic !
Merry Christmas !
What a thrill to tour and teach at the same time. Happy Blue Monday, Carolyn.
That looks like a fascinating place to visit. Your grandson is very cute!
what fun to see!!
Maybe one day he'll grow up to be President!
More great posts here since last I visited. I love your camera critters and your beautiful grandson looks good with the presidential seal.
I know why your husband likes to stay at Paradise, it is a lovely spot and there are lots of trout in the creek. Did he ever fish at Pleasant Valley reservoir? That is where we lived, at the power plant, year round fishing not far from Paradise.
Your grandson is adorable! I would love to visit that library some day. Happy Blue Monday!
Chase has beautiful blue eyes like his mother's. He is really a jewel for you and your family!!
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