Saturday, December 5, 2009

Scenic Sunday and Shadow Shot Sunday / Bridle Path on Euclid Avenue

Euclid Avenue in our area is a very beautiful roadway that is about 15 miles long. There are giant Eucalyptus and Pepper trees along its route. The northbound and southbound lanes are separated by a bridle path in the north, while the southern end is carpeted with nice grass for walking. Many people walk or jog, while others enjoy horseback riding. I went out to photograph the bridle path this morning as our early morning fog was clearing.

Click on images to enlarge!

Scenic Sunday
Shadow Shot Sunday


eileeninmd said...

It looks like a beautiful place to walk, job or ride horses. Beautiful scene and great photos.

Mary said...

I love the way the path leads your eye into the photo -- beautiful!

Diane AZ said...

Such a beautiful path especially with the shadows. I remember seeing Eucalyptus and Pepper trees often when I lived in California.

Sylvia K said...

Love the shadows! And what great shots you got! Looks like such a beautiful place to walk!

Hope you're having a great weekend so far, Carolyn!


Unknown said...

Looks like a really nice place to walk... but don't think I can do 15 miles!

Have a nice weekend, Evelyn

Quasi Serendipita said...

Beautiful. What a lovely place for a walk!

fredamans said...


Joe Todd said...

Our paths meet again. Nice post

Teresa said...

Just beautiful photos and place. Have a nice day

Quilt Works said...

Lovely path!
Nice composition

... "Waterfall in the fall"

Eden said...

Beautiful place and wonderfully captured.

Jazzbumpa said...

The first picture is serene. The second has a quirky, almost surreal Dr. Seuss aspect to the tree shapes.


JzB the occasionally serene, more often quirky trombonist

Carletta said...

Such a tranquil looking place for a walk!
Lovely soft shadows.

Beverley Baird said...

What a beautiful place and photo!
Excellent composition (and shadow!)

My name is Riet said...

Wha a beautiful place and photo.

Jo said...

Carolyn, your angle of the photo really drew my eye down the bridle path. I commented on your post above and not sure whether it is saved. Once again, I followed you from my blog thanks for visiting me. I've been through your B&W blog and LOVE it and this one. I'll visit often.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Through the pepper trees’
delicate green filigrees
I wend my lone way.

My Shadow Shot

readingsully2 said...

Reminds me of places in Europe. Lovely.

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a lovely bridle path!

Maia T said...

Gorgeous colors and great shadow shots. What a lovely, quiet place.

Kim, USA said...

I sure do love to walk this path..smelling the fresh eucalyptus tree is a therapy. Thanks for sharing!

My Scenic Sunday

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shadows along this lovely tree lined path ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

I like this avenue and am especially intrigued by the wonky tree trunks.

The Explorer said...

I appreciate the photos,its great to have this kind of wonderful avenue

The Explorer said...

here is my photos

Taal Lake At Different Perspective

Marites said...

i would love to take a walk on that place. It looks peaceful and beautiful.

NatureFootstep said...

seems like one can just walk into this image.

Jemina said...

OH, I wish it's like that here everyday. I would definitely run a mile or two.

Please check out these yellow lisianthus.