Monday, March 15, 2010

Ruby Tuesday / and...More Kites from the Festival at Huntington Beach, California USA

 These photos were taken this weekend at Huntington Beach, California USA.
It was an amazing day for a kite festival.
I am posting kites "galore" on several memes this week!
This kite was literally planted on its tip on the side railing of the pier.  
As soon as someone would reach for it, it shot back up in the air, only to return again in another place.
I actually touched it once!
Very cool!

Click on photos to enlarge!
Lots of red for Ruby Tuesday

This guy cracked me up!  
He was so busy talking to his friends that he didn't notice that the kite was just "inches" from his head until he turned around.  
Everyone else noticed...
Then the kite was actually touching his forehead.
What a hoot!


Carletta said...

Beautiful shots!
Nice compositions of all of them.
The last one with the guy is too funny!

Jama said...

That's one big kite!

Robin said...

Kite festivals are such a treat. How funny that the guy didn't notice one landing on his head.

nice A said...

Very colorful kite you captured! In the last picture, I hope the man wasn't poked with a pin or hard stick:)
Your post reminds me of my boy's excitement for summer when he enjoys flying kite with his dad. And it's summer time here.

Eeyore said...

Nice kites. Nice colors. Pretty day.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Kites are made to fly!
See them flying in the sky,
Darting, dashing by!

No ruby breakfast

Auntie E said...

Great kite.. must have been fun. Our kite days here in Washington Dc will be in a few weeks. Looking forward to it. Happy RT.
My Ruby Link for you

Chubskulit Rose said...

Must be a fun event, very colorful kite.

My Ruby Tuesday

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Great Pics ! I love to watch kites fly & fly them sometimes .

Ingrid said...

Beautiful colors !

Tammie Lee said...

your colorful kite photos are wonderful and so funny that last one. Wishing you a lovely week.

♥ Kathy said...

That guy is too funny lol Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

lovely kite and a funny guy!

Sandy Trefger said...

Beautiful kite photos!

From the Heart of Texas

Amanda Moore said...

What a treat, this would be great for any post but twice as good for RT! I can feel the sunshine coming through!

Marice said...

those are really beautiful sites :)

u may view mine here

Ralph said...

I am old enough to remember paper kites in diamond shapes. These modern kites are wonderful. They seem engineered with almost airfoil shapes. So these traverse the skies and travel so much higher. Wonderful take!

Matty said...

What lovely and colorful shots. Yes, that last one is funny. I bet he got a kick out of that, or at least those watching did.

SquirrelQueen said...

Awesome shots of the kite, that one is a beauty.

Bette said...

I enjoyed your photos. They are beautiful!