Wednesday, April 21, 2010

ABC Wednesday / "N"

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The theme is N for nature and natural.
We spent a wonderful day out in nature last weekend.
This is a scene of the Joshua Tree growing in its natural desert environment.
This is the northwest side of Joshua Tree National Park in California, USA.

The natural growth pattern of the Joshua Tree is so unique, they are all so different.

This one has had a few problems but still artistic in form, I think.

The blooms are making their appearance at the top of each tree.

They naturally grow straight OR crooked, whatever is nature's plan.

ABC Wednesday
The theme is "N" for this week.


Sylvia K said...

I love the Joshua trees and what a wonderful variety they come in!!! Somewhat like we humans, huh? And nature is wonderful to observe. I do feel for those of us who never see the beauty around us! Wonderful post, Carolyn! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


photowannabe said...

Love the variety and different way s they grow. The one with the 2 "ponytails" on top is so unique.

Jayne said...

Rather weird and wonderful trees. :)

LisaF said...

They grow very similar to the way people grow...unique, straight, artistically bent... Thanks for sharing.

My name is Riet said...

Great N post. Nature looks so Neat on your pictures.

Bradley Hsi said...

The scenery is so American West. I almost can see cowboys and Indians in them. Thanks for sharing.

Wanda said...

We lived in the High Desert for several years, and I loved the Joshua trees....we had a little dirt bike and loved riding it through the cactus.

Nice pictures for "N"

Johnny Nutcase said...

Love the photos, Carolyn - the joshua trees are spectacular trees! You found some really great ones to take pictures of!

Jay said...

Joshua trees are wonderful, aren't they? Endlessly fascinating, and so well adapted to their environment.

On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)

Ebie said...

Nice to see the different twisted shapes of the trees. The flowers are pretty too!

Beverley Baird said...

I've never seen one of those trees. How unique and interesting! Great photos!

Jama said...

It's a wonderful nature around, so beautiful!

Roger Owen Green said...

It's nature's way, so it's all good.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Hootin Anni said...

One of nature's finest. And I love the crashing waves in your Watery Wed. photos too.

I'm trying to catch up on my wonderful visitors from Wednesday. I thank you for dropping by and leaving such a kind comment. It's always so much appreciated.

Thanks, and do come again sometime soon.

Hope your day has been treating you well so far!!

KMOYMAMA said...

I got interested in various shapes of joshua trees, which I have never see in my life. I also liked the dessert environment of Joshu Tree National Park.Interestin pictures!

Tammie Lee said...

I have not seen joshua trees for a long time. They really are characters and you have captured their character marvelously!

Ingrid said...

Very beautiful landscape !

Oakland Daily Photo said...

It's been a long time since I've been to Joshua Tree. Thanks for the refresher. The diversity of landscape in our state never ceases to amaze me.

Thank you for visiting Oakland Daily Photo. Hope you'll come by again.

DeniseinVA said...

These bring back a lot of lovely memories from our trip to Joshua Tree a few years ago. Wonderful photos!

Tania said...

Just wonderful shots!!

Shannon said...

love all the Joshua trees... I have never seen one in real life... can you believe that?