Thursday, March 11, 2010

SkyWatch Friday, Looking at the Sky on Friday / Santa Monica, California, USA

 Click on photo to enlarge!
Pacific Park on the Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica, California USA
It rained the night before and it was very windy this day.
The sky was a brilliant blue and the clouds were ever-changing across the sky.
March 9, 2010


Randi said...

Wonderful capture! Love the composition!

My name is Riet said...

How lovely, the big wheel against the sky.Great shot

Carletta said...

Wonderful composition Carolyn!

Tammie Lee said...

wonderfully colorful photo of the pier. I have memories of being there many times in my childhood.

Carol said...

What a beautiful shot! The ferris wheel is striking.

Anonymous said...

Someday I will have to see this place. Each time it gets featured in a movie or on tv I say, I'm going there.

Have a great weekend.

Tania said...

Great shot! I would love to sit in the carusell and have the view:-)

eden said...

Such a beautiful capture. Great composition..

Have a great weekend!

Sylvia K said...

Fantastic, colorful shot, Carolyn! And I love your composition, too! Beautiful skies and clouds! Hope you have a great weekend and lots of sunshine!


eileeninmd said...

Wonderful image, love the color and the composition. Have a great weekend.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Wonderful colorful shot.

Al said...

That's an entertaining shot. It all comes together - the colors, the clouds, the huge wheel against the sky - to make a great photograph.

Guy D said...

Now that looks like fun, great shot Carolyn.

All the best
Regina In Pictures

Glennis said...

While most everybody loves a Ferris Wheel ride I am too scared of heights, I am petrified if I find myself on one. makes a good photo though.

happily retired gal said...

Beautiful California sky behind this colorful carousel capture and I loved the huge rocking horse too.
Hugs and blessings,