Thursday, December 3, 2009

Weekend Reflections / Oak Creek Canyon, Arizona

This is an old abandoned apple picking shed in Oak Creek Canyon, Arizona, which was built in 1932.

Click on images to enlarge!

Weekend Reflections


Mandy said...

Oh wow - imagine how beautiful that could be is they refurbished it into some sort of lviing or working space.

Joe Todd said...

I'm glad I took the time to enlarge the photos. The detail,subject matter and reflection are amazinf

Diane AZ said...

These beautiful reflections add so much life to the images that the shed doesn't look so abandoned anymore.

Dimple said...

You have been busy posting photos of your trip! You saw some beautiful things, I like the reflections here and the autumn leaves earlier. It looks as though you had a good time!
Thanks for the visit!

We love Luna said...

Outstanding windows!
Well done!
Happy weekend reflections
purrs and love

Rune Eide said...

That house had LIFE, especially in the first one. It looked like a face!

Martha said...

Beautiful photos. The reflection is so crystal clear!

Thanks for stopping by!

Nefertiti said...

great photo!

good w end

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Wonderful shots, you can see so much when enlarged. I can imagine the tree was planted in front of the building much after 1932.

Anonymous said...

Loving the color combination's in the first photo. So crisp and sharp!

Weekend Reflection ~ Evening Canals

Anonymous said...

The first photo is a masterpiece of desert colors. Very nicely done.

Reader Wil said...

Very nice reflections, especially those in the first photo.
Thanks for your visit and comment!

Suburban Girl said...

Love the colors in the first photo repeated in the reflection. Nice.

My name is Riet said...

I love your reflection pictures. Great shots

Anonymous said...

Beautiful reflections on the windows! All the colours are marvelous!

maryt/theteach said...

carolyn, this could be a Window Views photo for my meme! But I love it for Weekend Reflections too! :)

Julie said...

Built in 1932 and abandoned already. That is a sad commentary on our modern society.

The reflections in the window are so very clear and colourful. A lovely entry for our meme this weekend.

Crafty Green Poet said...

there's something slightly surreal about that second photo. I hope someone will renovate that house...

Thérèse said...

Like if a party was going on inside!
Very nice!

FO - 2 said...

Lovely reflection
and a
beautiful house.
An adventure for an photographer, I'm sure! Great pictures! :)

Happy weekend!

storyteller said...

Lovely window reflections and wonderful old building! Oak Creek Canyon is a beautiful place.
Hugs and blessings,

SandyCarlson said...

Relics like this one bring the past right into the present.

Sistertex said...

Cool - the reflections are so vivid.

Anonymous said...


thanks for stopping by my blog.

paz ;-)

Marka said...

Wonderful reflections!

KMOYMAMA said...

Thank you for sharing these photos. I visited your country four times but I did not encounter these scenes of abandoned sheds like this. I am also moved by the wonderful reflections on the deserted shed windows!

Ebie said...

Look at the clear reflections of the trees! I could even see the foliage on the second photo!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Carolyn, gorgeous reflections. You captured the light at the perfect moment. That would be a fun building to explore.

Quasi Serendipita said...

Gorgeous shots. I love the texture of the building in the first one.

noexcuses said...

What an incredible building! Lovely pictures!

liz at noexcuses

Kat said...

Love these! The colors are so beautiful and clear. Enlarging these really shows the details and the great reflections. Kathy