Sunday, August 30, 2009

Chase Is Waiting... August 27, 09

Chase waiting for our train from Upland Station to Union Station in Los Angeles.


SquirrelQueen said...

Aw, this is an adorable photo. He is such a cutie.

Carolyn, thanks for becoming a follower of my blogs, I am following you now as well. It took a bit of searching to find you. Blogger does not tell folks that the icon they leave behind when following does not automatically include a link back to their blog. You have to manually add your blog address to your follow icon.

If you open the little icon look for the option button. Click on it and you can add your blog's url. That way when you follow the person will have a link back to your blog. I hope that makes sense.


Shannon said...

SWEET! Love the cup tucked under the arm... that is just a sweet moment and evocative (reminding me of when my kids were toddlers - not so long ago)!